Friday, October 16, 2015

Surprise Opponent!

On Monday night The Authority was running late and let, Kane, The Director of Operations run the show.  Kane informed one of his employees to tell Seth Rollins that he was going to be in the main event with a surprise opponent.  The Authority later called Kane back and said that he would not be allowed to be Seth's opponent.  Later on in the night it was ruled to be a Lumber Jack match.  This means that a bunch of Superstars surround the ring, so that none of the competing stars can escape their opponent.

Seth made is way to the ring with sheer confidence that he was going to win the match, but then Demon Kane arrived instead of Corporate Kane.  Kane dominated most of the match and even took out many superstars when he was thrown to the outside of the ring.  By the end Kane had gained the upper hand and nailed Rollins with a Tombstone Pile driver for the victory!

Kane has pinned the Champ.  What will the result be when these men meet in Hell in a Cell?

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