Sunday, October 25, 2015

Accused Diva..

In the past couple weeks we have all had our suspicion as to who attacked Natalya.  Most of which thought that Paige was the culprit.  When interviewed on Monday she would not give Renne Young any straight answers.   She just kept repeating that she wants to rid herself of the old her and start fresh while psychotically looking at Renne.  Do you think Paige has turned over a new leaf?

Return of an Icon!!!

Tonight at Hell in a Cell John Cena issued his open challenge to anyone in the locker room who had enough guts to step up to the plate.  The United States Title means the world to John and on this specific night there was a surprise man to get in his way.  Alberto Del Rio returned tonight to take on John Cena.  The Spanish deviant upset the chain gang leader to win the US title.