Friday, October 9, 2015

Can he be stopped?

The beast has never been dominated in WWE history.  With the world's largest athletes in his sights, will he back down?  This Monday night on RAW they were face to face.  Big show called out Brock Lesnar and regretted it later.  Brock picked up Big Show a 500b Giant and dropped him with ease.  Who will be the superstar to step up and destroy Brock?  Many have tried, but who will finally be the one to put the beast down?  My guess would be that the one to do it will be Roman Reigns.  Roman is a big time star and has the power and speed to do so.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Pour Paige

Paige has been on a losing streak as of late against TEAM BAD.  Sasha Banks has had the Anti Diva's number as of late.  As well as, Nattie returning to the ring and having an incredible match with Paige.  Paige hasn't won a match in awhile, when will she step up her game?